Sodium Chlorite

Sodium Chlorite mms No drink in U.S.

Product Description:
Firstly, we must claim that sodium chlorite is only used for industrial field, not civil.Because sodium chlorite is toxic for people.Sodium chlorite liquid plus citric acid reaction to produce chlorine dioxide.Chlorine dioxide is a yellow-green poisonous gas, unstable and prone to explosion. Chlorine dioxide is soluble in water and does not react with acids.Sodium chlorite mms No drink in U.S.


Sodium chlorite, commonly known as Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS), has gained significant attention for its alleged health benefits and potential uses as an alternative health treatment. However, it is essential to clarify that MMS, in its current form, is not approved for drinking or medical use in the United States. This article aims to provide an overview of MMS, its controversial history, and why it is not safe or approved for consumption.

What is MMS (Sodium Chlorite)?

MMS is a chemical compound primarily composed of sodium chlorite (NaClO2) and water. It gained popularity as an alternative health treatment due to claims suggesting it could cure various health conditions, including cancer, HIV/AIDS, and other serious illnesses. Advocates of MMS promote it as a "cure-all" solution for a wide range of health issues, which has led to its increased use in some circles.

Controversial History and Safety Concerns

MMS has a controversial history, and its use as a health treatment is not supported by credible medical evidence. In fact, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued multiple warnings against the consumption of MMS. The FDA and other health organizations have stated that there is no scientific evidence to support the health claims associated with MMS.

MMS gained attention in alternative health circles, with proponents promoting it as a cure for various ailments, including cancer, HIV/AIDS, autism, and other serious diseases. These claims were often accompanied by anecdotal evidence and testimonials, but lacked rigorous scientific validation. The widespread promotion of MMS as a "cure-all" solution drew skepticism from the medical community and regulatory bodies.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has taken a firm stance against the consumption of MMS. In 2010, the FDA issued a public warning, stating that MMS is equivalent to industrial bleach and poses serious health risks. The FDA emphasized that there is no credible scientific evidence to support the health claims associated with MMS, and its use as a medical treatment is not approved or recommended.

Health Risks and Side Effects

The consumption of MMS can lead to serious health risks and side effects. When ingested, sodium chlorite can release chlorine dioxide, a potent oxidizing agent used in water purification and bleaching. Chlorine dioxide is toxic and can cause harm to human health when consumed, leading to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and even life-threatening conditions.

Legal Status in the U.S.

The FDA and other health authorities have taken action to combat the use of MMS as a health treatment. In 2010, the FDA issued a warning against the use of MMS, stating that it is equivalent to industrial bleach and can cause severe harm to health. In response to the FDA's actions, several individuals have faced legal consequences for selling and promoting MMS as a health treatment.

Safer Alternatives for Health

It is crucial for individuals seeking health treatments to rely on evidence-based, medically approved methods. There are numerous safe and effective medical treatments available for various health conditions, backed by scientific research and approved by health authorities.


Sodium chlorite, commonly known as Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS), is not approved for drinking or medical use in the United States. The health claims associated with MMS lack scientific evidence, and its consumption poses serious health risks. It is essential for individuals to seek proper medical advice and adhere to evidence-based treatments for their health needs. The FDA and other health organizations continue to emphasize the importance of relying on safe and effective medical practices, ensuring public health and safety.


Q: What is sodium chlorite MMS?

A: Sodium chlorite MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) is a chemical compound primarily composed of sodium chlorite (NaClO2) and water. It has gained attention as an alternative health treatment, with proponents claiming it can cure various health conditions. However, it is not supported by credible medical evidence and is not approved for consumption in the United States.


Q: Is MMS safe to drink in the U.S.?

A: No, MMS is not safe to drink in the U.S. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued multiple warnings against the consumption of MMS, stating that it is equivalent to industrial bleach and poses serious health risks. Ingesting MMS can cause severe side effects, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and life-threatening conditions.


Q: What are the health risks of consuming MMS?

A: Consuming MMS can lead to serious health risks due to the release of chlorine dioxide when ingested. Chlorine dioxide is a toxic gas used in water purification and bleaching. Ingesting MMS can cause adverse reactions, and its promotion as a medical cure has faced legal consequences in the U.S.


Q: Are there any credible medical benefits of using MMS?

A: There is no credible scientific evidence to support the health claims associated with MMS. The scientific community has not validated the alleged benefits of MMS in treating various health conditions, including cancer, HIV/AIDS, and other serious illnesses.


Q: Why has the FDA issued warnings against MMS?

A: The FDA has issued warnings against MMS due to its lack of safety and efficacy as a health treatment. It is considered equivalent to industrial bleach and can cause serious harm when consumed. The FDA's warnings aim to protect public health and safety.


Q: Can MMS be legally sold as a health treatment in the U.S.?

A: No, the FDA and other health authorities have taken regulatory actions against the promotion and sale of MMS as a health treatment. Selling or promoting MMS as a medical cure has led to legal consequences and enforcement actions by regulatory agencies.


Q: What should individuals do if they come across MMS as a health treatment?

A: Individuals should exercise caution and avoid consuming MMS or any other unproven health treatments. It is essential to prioritize evidence-based medical treatments and consult qualified healthcare professionals for proper guidance on health concerns.


Q: Are there safe and effective alternatives for health treatments in the U.S.?

A: Yes, there are numerous safe and effective health treatments available in the U.S., backed by scientific research and approved by reputable health authorities. Relying on evidence-based medicine and consulting healthcare professionals ensures the use of safe and validated treatments for various health conditions.





